Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Can I Really Make Money Online?

One thing that I keep hearing from people is that the ability to make money online is just for the "lucky" people who happened to trip on a market or an online business idea or blog at just the right time and was able to capitalize on it. There are countless forums on the idea that only certain bloggers or YouTubers or membership sites that are able to make a certain amount of money off of their online platform, and that everybody else simply has to fall by the wayside and make pennies where they can from their ideas and hard work.

One of the core reasons why I started this blog is to bust that belief that only certain people online are lucky enough to earn money through some type of online business or that it is simply too hard to carve out your own platform on the web. In my opinion, you should avoid the trolls, complainers and the forums out there where people throw pity parties for themselves 24/7 on why some people simply have it easier earning a full-time salary through the internet. Refocus your energy on forums or blogs where you can get great tips as well as encouragement on succeeding at making money online. And that's where this blog comes in.

You really can make money online, and you don't have to buy into some scam product online or sit by the wayside and watch others rake in the dough. Start by zeroing into your core passions and brainstorm about how you can capitalize off of those passions online (and make sure to write these ideas down as they come to your mind). What talents or skills do you have that you believe you're an expert in? I stress the word "you" because online, in most cases, there is no bar or standard for whether you are truly an expert in a particular area. The beauty of the internet is that you can define yourself, define your brand, and ultimately carve your own niche for yourself based on your unique take on a particular subject area or a product. It's that uniqueness that will draw attention, and it is that uniqueness that will make people respect you and draw their attention to your platform. 

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